Class Descriptions
All babies are born with an aptitude for music. But research shows that their aptitude diminishes if it is not nurtured. The best way to nurture a child's music aptitude is through active music making. By singing and dancing for and with our children in a variety of tonalities, meters and styles we are helping our children reach their full music potential.
This class offers adults the opportunity to play with their babies in a musical setting, experiencing music and movement activities designed to delight the child and awaken his or her curiosity about music. By singing, dancing, bouncing, and rocking, the child's music aptitude is being carefully nurtured, laying the foundation for beat awareness, vocal production, and aural discrimination.
Activities include singing, bouncing songs, rocking songs, dances, finger plays, body awareness games and echoes.
Activities include singing, dancing, focused listening and simple instrument playing, creating an environment in which the child's music aptitude is nurtured and skills are developed.
Activities include lots of singing, chants and rhymes, listening games, patterns to echo, and movement games, all of which nurture the child's musical development while satisfying the child's need to learn in a holistic environment.
Parents stay for the class, although some of the activities are designed to have the children participate independently of their parents.
Home materials (3 packets throughout year) including a CD, songbook, and manipulatives allow the learning and fun to continue at home.
Material packets include a CD, a poster and game pieces, notation games, instrument pages and a book. Children receive 4 packets throughout the 26-week session.