I am pleased that you are considering music classes for your child or for yourself (adult piano). Research has shown that we are all born with an aptitude for music, but that aptitude diminishes if it is not actively nurtured between the ages of birth and nine. However, music enriches our lives at any age ... it's never too late to begin making music!
The Musikgarten classes offered at Music for Life are designed to nurture the child’s music aptitude by engaging children and their families in singing and movement activities which help attune the ear, refine the voice, and develop a rhythmic body through which music can be expressed. Additionally, instrumental activities are part of the program - simple rhythm instruments such as sticks and drums for babies and toddlers; Orff instruments such as xylophones and glockenspiels for pre-piano ages; keyboards/piano for older children.
Musikgarten is the only program that offers curricula for babies, early childhood and on through group piano lessons. It is based on a keen understanding of brain development and how children learn, in both a general sense and, specifically, how they learn music.
As you familiarize yourself with class offerings and learn more about Musikgarten, I look forward to answering your questions and welcoming your family into my music studio.
Lynelle Vogel, Music Specialist
Music for Life Musikgarten Studio partners with MusicLink Foundation (www.musiclinkfoundation.org) and Musikgarten to offer financial assistance for music classes. If you qualify for Free or Reduced School Lunches, you qualify for reduced fees. Go to the Music Link Scholarship page on this website for links and details. We believe that all children should be able to experience the benefits of music training!
FIND US ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-for-Life-Musikgarten-Studio/119129664792003, Instagram musicforlifemusikgartenstudio, and on Twitter (X) @musicforlifelv.
Music for Life Musikgarten Studio posts weather closures on Facebook as soon as we are aware of them. We also have contests, information about music benefits for your life, links to songs for holidays, and info from our weekly classes. "Like" us today!
Music for Life Musikgarten Studio is a member of the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce and Clearly Kosciusko http://www.clearlykc.com
Go To Registration, check Gift Certificate ($25, $50, or $100) under Select Class, complete the form (you can put an X in most of the required fields instead of filling them completely out; you will need to put a correct email address and phone), specify who is to receive the Gift Certificate and who it is from and how you would like it delivered (email, pick-up, etc.), pay by PayPal and you are done!