Family Music- A Mixed Age Class- Birth to 5 yrs
With Musikgarten’s curriculum, we invite you to play with music while we make new friends together! When children experience music as an active part of their daily lives, their own pleasure in making music will begin to unfold.
According to Musikgarten's philosophy, positive contact and interaction with a caring adult is the single most important ingredient for a child's healthy development. Nothing pleases very young children more than having a parent/caregiver share an experience with them. Adults benefit as well, as they witness the magic of music, movement, and song and realize just how appropriate and enjoyable simple activities shared with their children can be.
OUR CLASSES features a rich collection of songs and chants. Most of the songs in the collection are folksongs and seek to introduce a new generation to the roots of our musical heritage.
Each program is full of music, movement, imagination, and class-time fun. Both children and parents will find that after just one class, they’ll look forward to many more!
This class is designed for children ages birth to 5 yrs, unlike our other classes which are for children of like ages. We encourage both parents to attend with siblings for the price of one child's tuition.
Class Materials: A family booklet with CD.