Musikgarten Musikgarten
Gate City Musikgarten

Teaching music.     Understanding Children.


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Welcome, Little Birds!

Hello!  I am Melissa Zacharias, and I thrilled to be welcoming Little Birds Music Studio into our community.  Some of you I already know, while some I have yet to meet.  I am a licensed music teacher currently teaching at Northwood Elementary School in High Point.  Every day I see firsthand the powerful impact that a caring community of adults and a rich musical heritage can have on the development of a child.  Since becoming a parent and soon after starting to teach with Gate City Musikgarten, I have realized that my heart lies in early childhood music education.  I am honored to work and make music alongside others who share that passion.
Gate City Musikgarten and Little Birds Music Studio have always had a very close relationship, so it only made sense to finally bring them together in this way.  By combining forces we will be able to offer you a wider variety class times and hopefully expand our course offerings in the future.
So what's going to change?  Very little.  The business is now called Gate City Musikgarten, and you will be communicating with me instead of Miss Evan.  You'll register through this website.  For the near future, all of our private studio classes will meet at the Music Academy of North Carolina, located at 1327 Beaman Place in Greensboro.  This is a great location and a thriving community of music education.  Many of our families continue to be involved with MANC after their years in Musikgarten.  
What's going to stay the same?  We will continue to offer the same high-quality curriculum in a warm, caring environment.  Most importantly, we will maintain our amazing staff of teachers.  The fantastic Miss Linda and Miss Jaye will continue to teach with us in addition to the amazing Miss Ashley and Miss Elizabeth of Gate City Musikgarten.
Fall registration is open!  If you don't see a class at the time that works for you, please send me an email.  We are often able to shift things around if there is enough interest among our families.  There is still a bit of housekeeping to be done as we transition the businesses, so if you have a problem registering, please just send me an email and I will make sure that I have your child on our rosters.  Notice the bits about sibling discounts and referral discounts (we love adding to our Musikgarten family).  
At the end of a bio, you usually say something cute like "Melissa lives in High Point, NC with her husband Alex and daughter Ramona.  An avid reader since childhood, she wishes she could blame her recent lapse on the pressures of teaching and parenting, but really it's just because Netflix is so convenient.  She enjoys cooking, crafting, and seeing how long she can keep a tomato plant alive."
We wish Miss Evan the very best in her new adventures and thank her for the fantastic foundation that she has laid with Little Birds Music Studio.  I look forward to this next year and many years to come as we make music together.  Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.  
Best wishes,

Melissa Zacharias
Gate City Musikgarten