February 3rd.
Spring 2025: Family Music for Toddlers - New Friends (0-3)
fifteen 30-minute classes
This class fosters a musical bond between children and their care givers. Experience the joy of singing, dancing/moving, word play, and instruments with your little one. This curriculum from Musikgarten is keenly attuned to developmental milestones children achieve in this age group. Activities foster growth not only in music but in language, gross and fine motor skills, as well as social and emotional development. Set a solid foundation for music literacy, attention to detail, patience and gracefulness in this 30 minute per week, rich musical experience!
This semester's theme, "New Friends" focuses on family relationships and characters from nursery rhymes. Materials include "New Friends" book and music download.
- Mondays 6:15-6:45 pm at St. Mary's Music Academy (High Point) with Miss Melissa (Participants will register with St. Mary's Music Academy. Sibling discount and referral credits unavailable at St. Mary's).
- Wednesdays 10:45-11:15 am at The Music Academy of North Carolina (Greensboro) with Miss Jaye
- Wednesdays 6:15-6:45 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina (Greensboro) with Miss Morgan
- Thursdays 6:30-7:00 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina (Greensboro) with Miss Melissa
- Fridays 10:30-11:00 am at St. Mary's Music Academy (High Point) with Miss Melissa (Participants will register with St. Mary's Music Academy. Sibling discount and referral credits unavailable at St. Mary's).
Tuition: | $200 |
Materials: | $36 |
Total: | $236 |
Spring 2025: Cycle of Seasons - Sun Catchers! (3-5)
fifteen 45-minute classes
Cycle of Seasons: Sun Catchers
Preschool age kids are all about asserting their independence but still need opportunities to develop
their social and language skills. Our Cycle of Seasons class for ages 3 through 5 helps nurture their
growing independence, but also provides the structure they need to learn and grow at their age along
side their caregiver(s). These 45-minute weekly classes include singing, chants and rhymes, listening games, patterns to echo, and movement games. All these activities help to build your child’s musical development in a fun and holistic environment. This class also introduces kids to the solfege language, which is a major steppingstone on the pathway to music literacy.
This class is for children and their adult caregiver.
Class sections:
- Wednesdays 5:15-6:00 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina (Greensboro) - Miss Morgan
Tuition: | $250 |
Materials: | $48 |
Total: | $298 |
Spring 2025: Music Makers at Home in the World (4-7 {pre-K age})
fifteen 60-minute classes
A year-long class of sequential learning (divided into Fall and Spring semesters).
In Year 1 of our pre-piano musicianship curriculum, Music Makers: At Home, your child will be engaged in activities that establish piano readiness. Students will begin to read and write music! Each unit features rhythmic and tonal patterns including duple, triple, major and minor which will provide the musical vocabulary a student needs to begin studying an instrument. This class also focuses on children's love of nature and instruments. As we travel through four different habitats, students will encounter wildlife, traditional folktales and instruments of the orchestra, all within the familiar context of singing, moving, and pattern repetition!
Materials include folder, notation cards, animal cutouts, worksheets, parent guide and music download. The spring semester consists of two thematic units: "Cattail Marsh" and "Meadow."
Parent or care giver attends the first and last few minutes of each class.
- Thursdays 5:15-6:15 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina (Greensboro) - Ms. Melissa
Tuition: | $300 |
Materials: | $58 |
Total: | $358 |
Spring 2025: Music Makers Around the World (5-7 {kindergarten age})
fifteen 60-minute classes
A year-long class of sequential learning (divided into Fall and Spring semesters). Music Makers Around the World is a joyful exploration of music, dances and customs of various cultures, including British Isles, Native American, Germany, and African-American musical heritage. The class is intended for 6-7-year-olds who are new to Musikgarten and wish to prepare for piano, or for 5-year-olds who have come through the Musikgarten curriculum. At the end of this class, your child will have a comprehensive music foundation which is an excellent preparation for the next step: Music Makers at the Piano. We learn through singing, movement, playing instruments, ear training and guided listening. This developmentally-appropriate approach to music literacy builds symbolic thinking, concentration, memory, and self expression. The children work with written musical notation and will be exposed to keyboard instruments.
Materials include folder, song pages, notation cards, parent guide and music download.
The spring semester focuses on Germany and African American cultures.
Parent or care-giver attends the opening of class and last 10-15 minutes of each class.
- Tuesdays 5:15-6:15 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina (Greensboro) - Ms. Melissa
Tuition: | $300 |
Materials: | $65 |
Total: | $365 |
Spring 2025: Piano 1, semester 2 (piano 1, semester 1 a pre-requesite)
fifteen 60-minute classes

So many people love listening to the gorgeous and classical sound of the piano. You’ll often hear adults express they wish they had learned to play the piano when they were younger. At Musikgarten, we give children the opportunity to learn the piano in a nurturing and fun environment. Our Piano 1 class is a four year-long program meant for first graders and up. The classes consist of small groups of beginner level students. During the four years, the young musicians will learn and grow together to become a joyful music-making ensemble. The program features an aural approach to music learning, and builds on songs children have come to love their entire life. This provides a natural pathway to reading music while building a much-loved piano repertoire. During this course, students will learn to play the song repertoire, develop keyboard techniques, improve their aural skills, understand chord function and accompaniment, learn to compose and improvise, and become fluent music readers. This class goes far beyond teaching merely playing piano as it also teaches self-discipline, cooperation, and learning to multi-track and concentrate no matter the area or topic of study.
Adults attend the final 10-15 minutes of class.
The spring semester builds upon the progress that students made in the fall semester.
Class sections:
- Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina with Ms. Melissa
- Thursdays 4:20-5:20 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina with Ms. Ashley
Tuition: | $320 |
Materials: | $0 (We will use the book from semester 1) |
Total: | $320 |
Spring 2025: Piano 2, semester 2 (piano 2, semester 1 a pre-requisite)
fifteen 60-minute classes
A year-long class of sequential learning (divided into Fall and Spring semesters).
This is Year 2 of a four-year method for small groups of beginning piano students and meets all the standards of proficiency sequences as set forth by national associations of music and piano teachers. For the purposes of registration and class materials, Year 2 is divided into two semesters, Fall and Spring, but it is a year-long commitment. The small-group setting allows for joyful music-making in ensemble, and the students learn from each other as they engage in a variety of activities which lay the foundation for keyboard success. The aural approach to music learning established in prior years leads to a fluency in reading music and learning a much-loved piano repertoire.
Year 2 builds on the foundations of year 1. Students will learn to play the song repertoire, develop keyboard technique, improve their aural skills and musical problem-solving skills, understand chord function and accompaniment, compose and improvise, and become fluent music readers. In developing comprehensive musicianship at the keyboard, the children are building self discipline and cooperation, learning to multi-track and concentrate, which will help them in other areas of study.
The spring semester builds upon the progress that students made in the fall semester.
Thursdays 5:30-6:30 pm at The Music Academy of North Carolina with Ms. Ashley
Tuition: | $340 |
Materials: | $0 (We will use the book from semester 1) |
Total: | $340 |