Please try to be on time. However, coming more than 5 minutes early is discouraged as children become restless and teachers may still be straightening up from prior classes.
Dress for “moving and dancing!” Shoes are OFF for music class.
Please take a bathroom/diaper break prior to class. A small snack may be helpful prior to coming and please make sure children's hands and feet are washed!
Food, toys or other "distractions" often cause problems rather than provide comfort when brought into music class. Since another child might want your child’s drink or stuffed animal, it is often easier to leave those things at home or in the car. Any items you bring (purse, diaper bag, etc.) should be placed or hung up off the floor or pushed to the sides/edges of the room for safety. Please NO gum at music class.
Cell phones should be turned OFF (or placed on vibrate for emergencies.) TAKING PICTURES IS ENCOURAGED; however, please do not TEXT or Phone during class. Your child deserves your full attention.
Do not carry on conversations with other adults in the class, particularly while we are singing. We will count on your voices for support and your child will learn listening and respect through watching you.
Sick children should be kept at home. Please call or email to let us know you will be unable to attend.
Extra family members are welcome to participate. If you expect many, please let the teacher know in advance.
Class Rules: Be Kind (to self, others, instruments and the room) and Be Safe (discourage running unless the teacher requests it and watch out for others when moving in class.)
If a child becomes distressed or is distracting to other class participants, please take a break outside the classroom.
Music for Life (Winona Lake) MORNING classes do NOT meet if Warsaw Schools are cancelled. Afternoon and Evening classes will be decided on a class by class basis and every attempt (by phone/email/text) will be made to inform you if music class is cancelled due to bad weather (or teacher illness). Please check your email/texts before coming to class if school has been cancelled. Classes generally will meet at regularly scheduled times in the case of a school delay. Please check your email/texts in the case of a delay.
Music for Life Nappanee classes do NOT meet if Nappanee (Wa-Nee) schools are cancelled due to weather. However, we will meet at regularly scheduled times in the case of a school delay if your teacher is able to arrive at your location. Please check your email, texts and voicemail before coming to class in the case of a delay.
Understand that all children learn at different rates and in different ways. Some children will be quiet in class, others will be active. Some children will do everything perfectly at home, but not in class. As a parent, you know that every child is unique, so check your comparisons at the door and let the music work its magic!
Grade Levels: As a general rule, Music for Life Musikgarten Studio uses the cut-off ages of the State of Indiana for class placement. If you are unsure which class is right for your child, please speak with Lynelle Vogel.