presented by MDUMC Music & Arts Center

Spring 2025 Enrollment is now OPEN! 

See Current Class Offerings for days / times.

Spring Classes begin the week of January 27th & continue into early May.
Specific dates vary depending on class / teacher's schedule.
Class sizes are limited. Once closed, waiting list only!

New Permanent Location Starting August 2024
MDUMC Music and Arts Center
13184 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77079

(in same center as TJ Max)



Text or e-mail for more information!


Leilani Miranda, owner of The Music Garden
  40 yrs early childhood music education experience 
international Musikgarten trainer / presenter

Joining Ms. Leilani in the studio is Ms Emily!  

We teachers are degreed & certified
 Bringing love of music & passion for teaching using their unique approach:
Children have fun using games, songs & activities from birth through piano.

*We tune the ear, refine the voice, & develop a rhythmic body through which music can be expressed!

 In our program, your child will learn music as a language.

We offer a sequential path to music literacy from birth! 
Ask about our motto "Plan until 10..."
  • Patterns are our foundation.
  •  Patterns are an integral part of our classes 
  •  Baby Music through Piano!
  • We adjust the modality developmentally:
  • only aural reception
  • vocal responses
  •   inclusion of symbolic language
  • visual, writing & reading,
  • involving the fingers (piano)
  • improvisation!
  • Musical Scaffolding:
  • Each level of Musikgarten
  • specifically designed to lead to the next
  •  culminating in music literacy & proficiency on Piano 
  • As one parent put it: "The songs they sing in toddler class become the songs they play on the piano!"
  • Piano Graduates are independent, literate, intuitive musicians who sight-sing, sight-read, write, compose, improvise and transpose in all keys!

Payments accepted by Venmo, Zelle, check, cash  Contact for credit card.
Leilani Miranda, B.M., M.M. Owner/Director
Teaching music ... understanding children... since 1984!

713-882-6747    themusicgardenstudio@gmail.com

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